God-Approved Worship
Intro: Text: John 4:24
A. “Must” – the imperative
B. “in spirit” – from a heart or disposition absorbed in God’s will
C. “In truth” – according to the details of God’s revealed will
I. Not all worship is acceptable to God! Consider:
A. Vain worship: Matt. 15:9
B. Mock worship: Matt. 27:27-30
C. Will worship: Col. 2:23
D. Ignorant worship: Acts 17:23
II. Must understand the purpose of worship:
A. Negative – It is not...
1. Entertainment : not human-centered; but God-directed!
2. A display of talent; but using the best we have: 2 Cor. 8:12
a. Not to impress ourselves or others
b. Rather to be pleasing to God!
B. Positive: It is...
1. To honor God: Rev. 4:11
2. To remember Jesus: Rev. 5:11-14 (1 Cor 11:23ff)
3. To comfort, edify and instruct one another: Eph. 4:14-15
III. Our Attitude: Our Part involves/should be...
A. Submission to God’s will: Matt. 7:21-23
B. Forgiveness: Matt. 6:14-15
C. Sacrifice – a Living one: Rom. 12:1-2
D. Humility: Phil. 2:1-4
E. Prayer: 1 Thess. 5:17
F. Joyful: 1 Thess. 5:16
G. Reverent: Matt. 6:9
H. Discerning: 1 Cor. 11:26