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Present Blessings for Christians

Christians are the happiest people on earth. We are happy, not only because of the hope of eternal life, but also because of the blessings of being a Christian today (Mk 10:29-30). The blessings of Christianity are divided into two categories: (1) things in the present life, and (2) in the life to come (1 Tim 4:7-8).

Too many portray Christianity as a trade-off whereby we deny ourselves happiness now in order to gain the blessings of eternal life later. But the Biblical view is “it holds promise for the present life and {also} for the {life} to come.” So in this study, we look at the present blessings for the Christian (Phil 4).

Blessing 1. From the text of Phil 4:1-3, we observe the great blessing of the fellowship of the saints. Congregations consist of believers “of one heart and soul” (Acts 4:32). Unity of heart motivated the deeds of benevolence (1 Cor 12:25-26). In fact, true Christians continued in fellowship (Acts 2:42). They even took “their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart” (Acts 2:46-48). We do not turn the spiritual purpose of the Church into a social organization; but our social associations can serve as blessings in this life.

Blessing 2. We enjoy the privilege of prayer (Phil 4:4-6). The effective prayers of righteous men accomplish much (James 5:16) because God hears their prayers (1 Pet 3:12). However, God does not hear sinners (John 9:31) because sins separate man from God (Isa 59:2). And yet, when we Christians sin, we go to God in prayer for forgiveness, because Jesus is still the way to the Father (John 14:6). What a great spiritual blessing today! We pray for forgiveness of sins, for our daily blessings, and we offer our thanksgiving and praise.

Blessing 3. Our present blessings include living in peace with God (Phil 4: 7). Isaiah prophesied those who trust in God would be kept in perfect peace (Isa 26:1-4). So now we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts (Col 3:14-16). In a world of turmoil, strife, fear, and frustration, the child of God is blessed with peace through salvation in Christ. Yes, the “heathens rage” while the Christian calls upon his loving heavenly Father.

Blessing 4. We are admonished to let our minds dwell upon whatever is honorable, right, pure, lovely, and of good report (Phil 4:8). For this reason, we are blessed with the incentive to moral purity! Many sinners, totally enslaved to sin, are not enjoying it. They need the moral incentive to change their lives. What they need is the very thing that we, as Christians, have as a blessing from God. To the Christian, the appeal of the flesh is not the same as it was when we were sinners (2 Cor 5:17). This is true because the interests of our minds are upon those virtuous, spiritual things. (Col 3:2). Therefore we consider our bodies as dead to all manners of evil (Col 3:5-11). Moral sins just cease to be a part of the Christian’s character. God will also not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear; and He will always make possible the way of escape (1 Cor 10:13). We know about the lusts of sin, and from God’s word, we know how to resist them.

Blessing 5. The privilege of ministering (Phil 4:9-10). Preachers often speak of hospitality, visiting the sick, tending to the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and other services that we are obligated to do. Yet every Christian who is faithful in service knows that serving is a privilege. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to do good. It is wonderful to have something to give, because it is more blessed to give than to receive.

We know that our benevolence is one basis of judgment (Matt 25:34-36). Spiritually, such ministering is really provided to our Lord (Matt 25:40). Our gifts bless the receivers; but our giving blesses the givers. This is one place where our influence can shine (Matt 5:16). And we can be sure the Lord will bless us because of our ministering (Matt 10:42).

Blessing 6. The blessing of contentment (Phil 4:11-12, 19). To provide for my own family, I need work. But such work is not that important. The profits or losses from savings and investments lose their significance. The only thing which really matters is whether the situation affects the eternal salvation of my soul. All else is of little consequence. And I cast all my anxiety upon Him (1 Pet 5:6-7). So when all the troubles of life come, I will worry about it after I see fear in the eyes of my Lord. Peter walked on the water until he became afraid. If he had waited until after Jesus was afraid to become afraid himself, he would not have sunk. All things work together for good to those who love God (Rom 8:28). If you love God, and the cause of Christ, you will turn whatever happens in life into good.

Again, godliness when accompanied by contentment is a means of great gain (1 Tim 6:6-8). So we lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where no bad thing can happen to them (Matt 6:19-21). This is a far better blessing than anything this world has to offer.


Blessing 7. We have the great assurance of success. “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). One of Satan’s greatest lies is that “you cannot successfully live the Christian life.” “Therefore, it is not worth trying.” But the Holy Spirit reveals that all things can be done through Christ. Actually, if God is for us, no one can successfully be against us (Rom 8:31-32). Our faith is the victory that has overcome the world (1 Jn 5:4). Faithfulness achieves success. It is not a matter of pride or of self-righteousness. It is a matter of putting our confidence in the promises of God! So we have the spiritual blessing of confidence in God and in our salvation.

Remember that all spiritual blessings are in Christ (Eph 1:3). Therefore all people need to be baptized into Christ (Rom 6:3-4). Our obedience from the heart will free us from sin (Rom 6:17-18). Come to Jesus!

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