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This is the Day

Larry Dickens

February 1, 2015 AM


Text:    Psalm 118:14-29

            A.        “ This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24

            B.        Neither the past nor the future. - Phil 3:13-14

            C.        Be not anxious for tomorrow. - Matt 6:34


I.          This is the Day that the Lord hath made.  –Psalm 1118:24

            A.        He brings the sun and the rain on all. - Matt 5:45

            B.        He provides our daily bread.   -  Matt 6:11

            C.        He provides civil governments - Rom 13:1, 6

            D.        He is longsuffering and awaits the last day. - 1 Pet 3:20

            E.         He adds the saved to the church. - Acts 2:47


II.        This is the Day to Live.  – Psalm  118:17-18

            A.        One day death and judgment will come. - Heb 9:27

            B.        Today He gives us all life and breath and all things. - Acts 17:25

                        1.         We do not know what tomorrow will bring. - James 4:14

                        2.         Therefore, we do the right thing to day.  - James 4:17


III.       This is the Day of Evangelism – Psalm  118:17

            A.        Let us not be ashamed of the gospel. - Rom 1:16

            B.        Go, teach, baptize, teach.  - Matt 28:19-20

            C.        Teach and teach again.  - 2 Tim 2:2

                        1.         The love of God. - John 3:16

                        2.         Believe in  Jesus Christ - John 14:1

                        3.         Repent or perish. - Luke 13:3

                        4.         Believe and be baptized to be saved. - Mark 16:16


IV.       This is the Day the Enemy Works. - Psalm 118:13

            A.        Satan is ever walking upon the earth. - Job 2:1-2

            B.        He is seeking someone to devour. - 1 Pet 5:8

                        1.         By False Doctrines - 2 John 1:9-11

                        2.         By Divisions. - 1 Cor 1:10

                        3.         By mutual digression. - Gal 1:6

                        4.         By bitterness (bad attitudes). - Heb 12:15


V.        This is the Day the LORD Chastens. Psalm 118:18

            A.        Consider Christ who endured hostility - Heb 12:3-13

            B.        So that you may not grow weary and lose heart. - Heb 12:3

            C.        Discipline is sorrowful, but it trains and yields good fruit. -Heb 12:11        

            D.        Therefore strengthen the weak hands. - Heb 12:12-13


VI.       This is the Day to Rejoice and be Glad. -  Psalm 118:24

            A.        Give thanks to the Lord. -  Psalm 118:19, 21, 28-29

            B.        The Day to Worship God. -    I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day,.

            C.        The Example of Abraham’s worship. - Gen 22:1-3

                        1.         Consider the extreme troubles and efforts.

                        2.         Consider the result. - Gen 22:12


VII.     This is the Day of Salvation. – Psalm 118:14, 21-23.

            A.        2 Cor 6:2   for He says, "At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you"; behold, now is "the acceptable time," behold, now is "the day of salvation"—

            B.        Today is the day to come to Jesus!

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