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Faith from the Empty Tomb and the Apostles 

Larry Dickens

October 5, 2014 PM


Intro:         The evidence: the empty tomb - Matt 28:1-10; John 12:32


  I.        Why believe: The witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection - John 17:20; 20:30-31; Acts 2:32

                  A.      Number of witnesses: 1 Cor 15:3-8

                            1.     Cephas – Luke 24:34

                            2.     Twelve (Apostles) - Lk 24:36-43; Ac1:2-3            

                            3.     500 at one time (Galilee) - Mt 28:10,16-17

                            4.     James, the Lord's brother

                            5.     Paul  (on the road to Damascus) -  Ac 22:6-10

                            6.     Mary Magdalene - Mk 16:9; Jn 20:14

                            7.     Other women returning from the tomb - Mt 28:9,10 

                            8.     Two disciples on the road to Emmaus  -  Lk 24:13-33

                            9.     Apostles, Thomas absent - Jn 20:19-24

                           10.     Apostles, Thomas present -Jn 20:26-29

                           11.     Seven disciples by sea of Galilee -   Jn 21:1-23

                           12.     Apostles (His ascension) - Ac 1:3-12

                  B.      Are the witnesses reliable?

                           1.      Brothers in the flesh – Jn 7:3-5; Mk 3:21, Acts 1:14

                           2.      Thomas – Jn 20:24-28; Acts 10:40-41)

                           3.      Saul of Tarsus, former great enemy – Acts 9:1-2

                  C.      Strength of their witness:  “infallible proofs”  - Acts 1:3

                           1.      They ate and drank with Jesus - Acts 10:41

                           2.      They saw, heard and touched him - Jn 20: 24-28; 1 Jn 1:1-2


Acts 1:3  To these He also presented Himself alive, after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days, and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God. 


                  D.      The witness of their transformation

                           1.      Before…

                                    a.      Afraid at His arrest - Mk 14:50

                                     b.      Peter denied Him three times - Mk 14:66-72

                                     c.       The women mourned His crucifixion - Lk 23:27

                           2.      After His death...

                                     a.      His disciples were sad -  Lk 24:13-17

                                     b.      They hid behind closed doors in fear - Jn 20:19

                           3.      After His resurrection...  

                                     a.      They fearlessly praised God in the Temple - Lk 24:52-53

                                     b.      They proclaimed Christ, despite persecution - Acts 5:28-32, 41-42

                  E.      The witness of their high moral standard afterwards...

                           1.      They taught others to live holy lives  -  1 Thes 4:1-7; Eph 4:25

                           2.      They lived their own lives in unimpeachable ways - 1 Thess 2:3-12

                  F.       The witness of the price they paid.

                           1.      The Apostles endured much suffering - 1 Cor 4:9-13

                           2.      All, but one, died a martyr's death


II.      The significance of the resurrection for unbelievers.

         A.      Proves that Jesus truly is the Son of God. - Rom 1:4

         B.      Demonstrates that the Christ truly has all authority - Matt 28:18; Acts 2:36

         C.      Verifies the truthfulness of Jesus - Matt 16:21; Matt 17:23; Matt 20:19

         D.      If the truth; His other teachings are true.

                  1.      He was from God and spoke the words of the Father  - John 8:28

                  2.      No one can come to the Father but through Him - John 14:6

                  3.      His blood was shed for the remission of sins - Matt 26:28

                  4.      He came to offer abundant life -  John 10:10

                  5.      He went to prepare a place for us - John 14:2

                  6.      He shall come again - John 14:3

                  7.      There will be a resurrection and judgment - John 5:28-29; 12:48


III.    What if Christ is not raised?

         A.      Gospel preaching is vain - 1 Cor 15:14

         B.      Your faith is vain - 1 Cor 15:14

         C.      The apostles were false witnesses  - 1 Cor 15:15

                  1.      They swore that God raised Jesus from the dead - Acts 2:32

                  2.      They claimed to eat and drink with Him -  Acts 10:39-41

         D.     We are still in our sins - 1 Cor 15:17

         E.      All perished at death  - 1 Cor 15:18

         F.      We are to be most pitied   - 1 Cor 15:19


IV.     What the resurrection of Jesus does for the Christian

         A.      It verifies our justification -  Romans 4:24-25; Matt 26:28; Rom  8:33-34


Rom 8:33  Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.


         B.      It demonstrates power available to the Christian - Eph 1:18-20 

                  1.      The power of our conversion - Col 2:11-12; 1 Peter 3:21

                  2.      The power available to live the Christian life - Rm 8:11; Phil 2:12-13; 4:13

         C.     It gives us living hope in our own resurrection - 1 Peter 1:3; 1 Peter 1:21; 1  Thess 4:13-14

         D.     It  demands our complete loyalty to him - Rom 14:9   

                  1.      He was raised and exalted to be our Lord  - Ac 2:32-36; Eph 1:22-23

                  2.      As the risen Savior, our lives and service belong to Him - Rom 14:7-8; 2 Cor 5:15  


Conclusion: Do you believe in the empty tomb? - John 8:24; Acts 5:34-39; Mark 16:16 


Acts 2:36   "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ —  this Jesus whom you crucified."

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