The Devil's Design
Intro. 1 Pet. 5:6-11;
A. Eph. 6:11: “Wiles;”
B. 2 Cor. 2:11: “Devices”
The Wiles of the Devil:
I. To discredit -- God: A. Implying that God is a liar: Gen. 3:4
B. Impugning God’s motives: Gen. 3:5
II. To discredit: God’s People:
A. Job: Job 2:4-5
B. Disciples through Diatrophes: 3 Jn. 10
C. Paul: Acts 16:20; 17:7, 18; 18:13
III. To discredit: God’s Word: A. Foolishness to some: 1 Cor. 1:18
B. Irrelevant to others: 2 Thes. 2:10-12
IV. To distract: >. Corrupting the mind from singleness: 2 Cor. 11:3; Heb. 12:2
1. Cares, riches of this world: Col. 3:2; 1 Jn. 2:15
2. By Emphasizing “religion” to the neglect of righteousness: Prov. 14:12; Jer. 10:23
V. To Divide:
A. Corinth: pride, envy, etc.: 1 Cor. 1:10
B. False Doctrine: Acts 20:30; 2 Tim. 4:3-4
VI. To discourage:
>. One of Satan’s most effective tools --
1. Personal weaknesses
2. Sins of others
3. Lack of results
VII. To Delay:
A. “convenient” season : Mentality: Later is good enough.” Acts 24:25
B. The Lord says:
1. “Now”: 2 Cor. 6:2
2. Redeeming the time: Eph.5:15-16
The Divine Plan of Resistance:
I. Resist the devil: Jas. 4:7
II. Be sober -- Be watchful: 1 Pet. 5:9
III. Give no place to the devil in anything: Eph. 4:27